Thursday 10 November 2016

Tutorial 3

I find it really useful to meet with my tutor every 2 weeks, because it gives me the chance to reflect on what I've been doing and if Im heading off in the wrong direction, it all gets sorted. It also gives me the chance to discuss different outcomes, that I perhaps hadn't considered. 
This weeks tutorial was so helpful, because now I have a question! 

*To what extent does fast food packaging contribute to escalating, global environmental concerns?

In a way, I'm actually surprised at how much my essay has changed from when I first started researching. But I think I've just let the learning take the lead and just not panicked which has actually been quite successful. 

So, To do-

-Get all my practical work up on my blog
-Go over the essay, need to emphasise some points a bit more. I have been making statements and then not backing them up, just simply moving on.
- Research the role of a designer some more, have a look at the books suggested above.

After this tutorial i feel slightly torn with my practical. I was going to make a vegetarian cook book, with info graphs inside. But after today, the info graph element is whats inspiring me. I think I will do both, just as long as time is kind and Im sensible about it. 

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