Tuesday 29 November 2016

Contextual research- Luba Lukova

Finding lots of interesting work in the 'Graphic Agitation' book, which is really inspiring me and feeding into my practice. Absolutely love the work by Luba Lukova, very simple but with a powerful impact and message. This sort of simple imagery will be really good to use within my infographics, as I was over complicating imagery previously. 
Need to consider the work that inspires me when creating practical work. 

What works well-

-Block colours
-Minimal colour palette
- Graphic imagery that's easy to understand
- Although these images are completely separate, they could work as a series because of their aesthetic. Would look good in an exhibition if multiplied.

I should-

-Consider minimal colour palette
- Create work that could work separately as well as together
- Create imagery thats obvious and easy to understand.

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