Wednesday 16 November 2016

Audience and Context

Who will my audience be?

I want as many people as possible to know what I now know, so when considering my audience I don't want to limit myself. I would like to make something thats suitable for an array of ages. Therefore, I propose making work for an average family. Female, male adults, a young child and then a young adult. 

This means I need to consider various outcomes.
Ive been trying draw through my ideas, in order to visualise what I could do, which has been working really well for me.
So far the plan is -

For adults- Make a vegetarian cook book, thats informative as well as useful. There will be info graphs inserted so that its educational in a non pushy way. 
Synthesis to my essay, would be promoting a healthier, non meat-eating diet in order to save the environment and benefit peoples health, whilst educating on my topic. 

For Children- I want to propose a starter pack for primary schools, which includes everything you need to grow your own vegetables. In my eyes, this is an essential skill, and something we should learn from an early age. The starter pack will be fun, with stickers and calendars to show the progress and to keep the children entertained and excited throughout. Pack could also include posters to help the kids learn etc.
Synthesis- If children learn how to grow their own veg, they will realise the importance of food. Hopefully nutritional values will be taught throughout, which would educate them on my topic. Promoting vegetarian lifestyle through learning.

Really want to get some info graphs done, because these will be useful throughout my practical, with the ability to be used for all age groups depending on the content and language.
 They could be used to inform young adults, because the visual element should help to grab their attention. 

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