Wednesday 16 November 2016

McDonald's culture jamming

I made these the other day, with the potential to play around with some ideas. I wasn't overly happy with the aesthetic outcome (its been a while since I created something that looks finished) so I got Mel to crit me, and asked a few others what they thought. Seeking my own peers feedback seemed to work really well, because I asked those that i knew would be honest. 
The next day I continued with the same design, pushing it forward to make it mean something or make it informative.

Ive been researching culture jamming for dissertation purposes and been finding myself wanting to steer my professional practice in that direction. It really inspires me. I need to find a way to create work like this that is a little more informative, so more like an info graph, but with a hard hitting argument? 
Or maybe this is something I test, and stick to my original ideas. Definitely something I want to discuss with my tutor.

- The McHeart Attack-

You can submit work to Adbusters, which is something I want to consider doing, as Ive had so much fun making these lovely hearts. Definite room for improvement though, so will continue to come up with new concepts and experiment with media.  
Hopefully this sort of work will plant questions in peoples minds though. 
We are living in the clutches of capitalism and this effects our health and our planet. This is my synthesis for this piece.

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