Monday 28 November 2016

Cop practical workshop and review

Todays workshop was a little different to the usual crit, in that there were two sections, with some practical in-between. Without being able to explain my ideas to my peers made me realise that perhaps my ideas and thought processes aren't being documented well enough. So from today, I need to blog my development and ideas as I go, otherwise I will forget what I have and haven't said. 
Perhaps my design boards weren't fully explanatory either, it is difficult to communicate exactly what you're trying to achieve when it synthesises with such a vast amount of theory. 
This needs to be considered throughout the next few weeks.

This is my weeks plan, which I think its feasible. I really want to spend the whole of wednesday mono printing, but I have start up wednesdays to consider, which will take up 2 hours right in the middle of the day. Slightly annoying but I think I can manage it, as long as I've planned what I want to mono print before getting there I should be fine. 

Things to consider after today's session- 

- I should submit design boards for the proposed outcomes. 
- Design boards are good platforms for communicating visual development in one place, so could make a few for development too.
- How will I present my work? 
- Consider colour palette for the info graphs, keep it limited and aesthetically similar to the other work I create. 
-Lacking primary research- DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. 

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