Wednesday 16 November 2016


Within my dissertation, I've been looking at the role of the designer. Because I'm talking about fast food packaging that has been designed by someone that then feeds into a mass marketing, consumerism booming world, its important for me to look at the values of the designer. I referenced Adbusters last year, without really realising what it was, and now I can't stop. 
My essay is taking turns that I hadn't expected, but am thoroughly enjoying. I want to research more into this, and perhaps alter chapter 2 of my essay somewhat, in order to put in new angles of information.

After looking at these I am a little inspired to create some of my own. This sort of stuff gets me really excited, and I would love to have a portfolio that displayed ability to tackle huge corporate companies and politics. Not sure if Im going off on a tangent, but hopefully it will all work out.
Just want to make work that means something to me.

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