Sunday 10 April 2016

Two possible options

 After some research, and figuring where synthesis could be found between my written and practical, I was left with two ideas.

The first- making sculptures of endangered animals out clay, and then using recycled or collected material such as leaves, show their habitat. Each page would have type that explains why or how they are endangered. If i can make it a beautiful book, more people would be willing to read it, and hopefully learn from it. Synthesis-
My essay touches on the effects of deforestation, but does not go into detail about its consequences on wildlife. I would like to learn more about what dangers these animals face on a daily basis because of our own selfish actions, and how, without them our ecosystem will slowly start to fail.

The second-

The other idea was to highlight the catastrophic amounts of waste created by the human race, and the effects this is having on our ecosystem.

Ideas for executing this would be...
To take some photographs on a 35mm film camera of the beaches from back home (Wales) and then draw trash monsters into each one. Juxtapose the beauty with the ugliness of waste. Facts could be included in this one too. 

 I wrote down numerous facts about waste and the ocean and what this is doing to sea life, and it made me so angry. I was astounded by some of them, like number 2. Synthesis from my essay would be-
Deforestation is happening because of ever increasing human demand for resources.
Mass production is causing more waste than ever before which we can't filter out or get rid of quick enough, therefore ending up in our oceans and destroying habitats and lives.

Example of positions etc.

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