Thursday 21 April 2016

More making...

The polar bear was the first one I made out of the sculptures, and gave me the confidence to know that making a book this way was possible. This one took me the longest, but I gradually got faster at making them. 

After the bear was baked, I cut out individual snowflakes from old recycled envelopes, and I was going to use them as they were, but I ended up mono printing with them, just to see if I would get anything good out of it. I want happy with any of my mono prints but the snowflakes turned out great.

Took a while to glue them on in the right places, following the curves etc, but it came out really well.

The snowflakes fade out on one side, to show the decrease in ice thats caused from global warming and climate change.
If I have time, I might try make a gif with this one, or one of the other animals.

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