Friday 8 April 2016

Finding Synthesis

I have so many ideas for books for this its unbelievable. Usually I have nothing. Im trying to find synthesis in what Im doing, so that it relates to my essay, but isn't just an illustrated version of my essay. 

I want to create something that raises awareness, is beautifully crafted, and thats factual.

ESSAY - How important is sustainable design within the creative industry and why?

COVERED IN ESSAY - Climate change, deforestation, mass production, sustainable creatives and how difficult this can be.

IDEAS TO MOVE FORWARD - I want to take the book down the deforestation and climate change route, whilst making a book sourced from sustainable materials. The more I read up on all of this, the more sorrow I have for the world and the way we are all destroying it. The animals that are slowly becoming endangered because of our actions are the thing that gets me the most. I want people to learn about the consequences of our greed essentially.

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