Wednesday 20 April 2016

The making of...

I have had so much fun making this book thus far. Im trying to figure out the most sustainable way to make the book, which isn't the easiest thing, but Ive tried various processes and methods of recycling that have helped.
Clay is really sustainable, comes from the earth, last for 100's of years and is completely natural. So making the models out of clay was a good start.

I made this net from recycled string from parcels that I've been collecting from the start of this project. I have so many random recycled objects in bags all over my room at the moment. 

The Bee has pressed elderflower flowers glued on to it. I used to love pressing leaves and flowers in order to preserve the beauty. So these I've had for a while and thought it best to put them to good use. Also naturally sourced, no man made products here.

Sourcing recycled materials wasn't as hard as I thought, and if you just think a little alternatively to normal there's always a way around something that makes it a little more sustainable, and in the long run, more cost effective. 

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