Friday 22 April 2016

More work on the book

Because our lighting inductions weren't until the Friday, I had to make some kind of my own studio set up to photograph the sculptures, otherwise i would have been pushed for time and it would have been a crazy manic rush.

Pressed leaves that I pressed last year. 

Will in third year showed me how to set it all up which was great, and it worked really well.
I brought in all of my own props and what I wanted to include in each picture. Each one is really delicate, so transporting them from my house to uni was a little scary but I managed it.

There are obvious little things that go wrong that perhaps wouldn't have happened in the studio, but its nothing that photoshop couldn't help with. The main difficulty was trying to get the same amount of light in each one, because when using natural light, it changes so quickly.

Now that I've had my lighting induction, I feel pretty confident that I would be able to use the studio and lights next time. But its important that i stick to my time table and get what I can done with whats available to me. 
Time management and thinking through problems is coming a little more naturally to me these days.

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