Wednesday 11 January 2017

Summative statement

Albert Einstein once said:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

My dissertation primarily focuses on the effects animal agriculture is having on our environment, as well as the health and medical risks that correlate with a meat eating diet. The exploration of fast food in relation to these problems was then studied.
Because a variety subjects under the same umbrella were researched, it was important that I chose the best way to illustrate and synthesise the practical work with the theory.

The practical element to this module was the most influential aspect for me, in the sense that it opened my eyes to the endless possibilities illustration provides.
Understanding the importance of my topic personally, helped me to push my illustrations forward into various contexts, so that a greater audience could be reached. Using illustration as a tool to communicate and educate made me realise that my practical could work across a breadth of disciplines.

Having a magnitude of varying outcomes enabled me to inform differing audiences. Discovering my love for texture has also helped shape this module for me. Linking various elements of the theory and practical in order to create harmony between the two was best achieved through the use of mono print textures.

This module has allowed me to explore contexts, disciplines, communication channels and my own personal values, and this is something I will carry forward in the future.

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