Tuesday 10 January 2017

Infographic #3

I decided to make a McDonalds infographic, so that I had an element of the practical that responds to the fast food element of my dissertation. I had researched quite a lot about it so the facts were already somewhere in my brain or in a book or article, so there way no need to source new information, just figure out a way to communicate it effectively. 
I chose to format the infographic in the same way as the first, because the facts and images were displayed in a visually engaging well and I wanted this to be similar. 

This one highlights the medical problems associated with a meat eating fast food diet, rather than the environmental effects. Trying to tie together all areas of information explored within the dissertation through various outcomes has made me realise how imagery can take on various functions, depending on the context it is placed in.
Certain elements of this have been used for editorial pieces as well as the cook book, but each target a different audience and communicate differently. 

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