Friday 6 January 2017

Self Evaluation- KEY POINTS.

What have I learnt from this module?

Ive learnt so much about my practice and my values as a practitioner.

- Ive learnt a new way of image making that incorporates texture and links analogue techniques with digital. 
This is something that Ive struggled with in the past. Ive always wanted my love for traditional print methods to be at the core of what I do, but having the ability to use these prints effectively within digital, and having an image thats slightly more refined at the end is something I'm really pleased I've learnt.

How to create work with a function. Figured out a style that works across a range of disciplines within illustration.

This has been the key learning curve for me. 
I wanted the practical body of work to have as large an audience as possible, which meant applying my illustrations across a range of products and placing them in varied contexts was essential. Understanding that this was possible with the style and method of image making I have learnt is something I will definitely carry forward within my practice. 
Creating work with the function that communicates effectively through different channels of illustration has been eye opening and inspiring. 

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