Friday 30 December 2016

Mistakes and things to change

First mistake I noticed was that I'd spelt recipes wrong on the thanks page. DOH. Its a small mistake and probably wouldn't be noticed by too many, however, I really want this book to as good as it can be, as I've worked really hard on it, so don't want to just call it a day when there are still imperfections and things that need sorting.
Will be going back to print this correctly so thats given me space to make some other considerations..

Here's something else I will change. This recipe is far too close to the edge of the bind. You can still see it perfectly, but if I was to stitch it even slightly wrong, some text could be lost. So I'm going to readjust this and centre it.

Finally the back cover. I want to move the text up, just below the carrot. I don't think it looks right where it is. The background colour is a little dark throughout the book too, so will change the opacity of the textures background in order to make the imagery and text stand out a little more than it does currently.
Nothing major on the whole, just little design tweaks that will improve the overall design. Being critical of my own work is really important at this stage in order to produce the best possible outcome. 

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