Friday 2 December 2016


Why is texture so important in my practical response?
Texture will be the main synthesis to my essay. Within my essay I talk about the visual qualities of organic packaging, and how our minds believe things that aren't necessarily true. By using texture and imagery that is close to nature, you can achieve an eco-friendly and environmentally conscious aesthetic. With the recent push towards organic and natural products , its important that my book (that is promoting a vegetarian diet) embodies this. People will be drawn to the textures and aesthetic before the content. I am not creating any myths, but I am using what I have learnt to create something I know will work in the current market. 

Texture is also key in my practical because the textures you find in vegetables and food vary so drastically. Which is why I have been using mono print textures to create the images. 
Today I did some more mono printing, and eventually I plan to make a book of textures, because its a really important part of this module, both in my writing and visual. 

Need to scan these in and tidy them up. I really want my book to be original though, not printed digitally. That way I'm keeping it all as organic and raw as possible. The cook book is of course being printed digitally but the mono print book needs to be kept as it is. I just need to figure out the best way to do it. 
More mono printing next week. 

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