Wednesday 28 December 2016

Infographic complete

Here's the first completed infographic. 
I actually really struggled making this, because its so simplified that to make it look good the layout and design needed to be perfect. I wasn't sure how to go about it. 
Getting the roughs and ideas down on paper was fine, but making it into something finished was a challenge, because I'm not a graphic designer. 
Gathering contextual research was a great help, as were books from the library like 'Information is beautiful' and 'Knowledge is beautiful.'

So many books!

Im pretty pleased with how its turned out considering I was a little out of my comfort zone. I used the mono print textures again to maintain the harmony throughout the practical.
 I may use the same information and try a few new layouts, and then propose them as leaflets, or part of a starter pack etc rather than creating lots of new ones. Need to consider time scale now especially.

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