Thursday 6 October 2016

Taking away from presentation

I found the presentation and feedback really useful today, because its given me more things to consider that I wasn't even thinking about previously.

Moving forward-

- I need to consider the purpose and function of the practical work. What do i want it to do?
- I need to consider my audience. And also how best to inform that particular audience.

- I should avoid the morality of eating animals, because getting into morals is difficult because its an individual opinion. It would be a dissertation on my opinions which could get messy.
 ( Ethics are the socially constructed norms in society)
I still want to read up on this because it will drive my practice forward, but I wont include it.

-I need to have a more focused argument. What am I trying to say? So the overall theme is the effects of animal agriculture on global warming but what is my argument.
I think the organic route is best because I've done some research on it already, and know quite a bit about it.

- Questions

-Why is organic better than processed?
- Why has there been a recent shift away from mass-produced goods, and more towards the authentic, independent and organic?

Need to-

Find 10 quotes that support what im trying to say. (Naomi Klein should be good here)
Think about practical outcomes and what I want these to say.
Get some work on an organic farm or at least an interview with organic growers.

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