Thursday 27 October 2016

Researching health benefits

This has been so interesting. I watched a documentary called 'Forks over Knives' which is all about the effects meat has on your body and health, and then what being vegan can do. What I've discovered is that by leading a plant based, whole food diet, you can eliminate the risk of heart disease, reverse diabetes, and reduces risk of certain cancers. How crazy is that?!
There are two scientist in the documentary that have thoroughly studied all of this, and I've been researching their work all week, and trying to add it to the dissertation. Its quite scientific in places, which I find difficult just because of the terms that are used, but on the whole its proving to be really useful and so interesting.

Now what I need to look into, is why these facts aren't obvious? Why doesn't everyone know about it? Ive read a little on this, but I want to know more.

The health and medical side of things is starting to be my favourite part.

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