Friday 14 October 2016

Individual Tutorial

Its easy to get caught up in research, and get lost down many avenues of what and if. But the tutorial I had yesterday really got me focused again.
I think I was over complicating things for myself after the last point of contact.
So, in its simplest form, the question that I aim to answer explore is... Vegetarianism is a good thing- why?!
Within this I am able to cover the topics that I have been exploring- the benefits this would have on the environment, health and medical benefits, the benefits of an organic lifestyle/farming.

My introduction could include my reasoning for not taking my dissertation down the animal rights route, and explain why I think my approach is better, whilst using quotes to back this up, and my methodologies. I must defend my reasoning with passion in the introduction.

I think I could start writing parts of Chapter 2 (Contexts and Themes) because I already have lots of facts and statistics, and a fair amount of knowledge on the topic.
Need to figure out how I would structure this. So thats my next task.

To do-

-Figure out the structure of Chapter 2
-Get some paragraphs for each section written down
-Gather a fair amount of solid quotes to use

For Chapter 3 (Case studies of practice)

Fred had some really good suggestions for this section, and now I'm super excited about it, thats why my previous blog post got straight into it.
I have some options to consider.

-Firstly I could look at vegetarian/organic food packaging and promotion. How other foods have tried to make their food take on the aesthetic of something organic or natural.

- Another option could be to look at animal rights campaigns vs organic promotion, and look at which one of these methods of persuasion works best in achieving its goal (stopping people from eating meat)

I like both of these ideas, so need to have a look at what would be best. Maybe I could explore both, should check and see if this could be an option.

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