Friday 7 October 2016

Notes after presentation (Practical)

Had a brainstorm after the presentation, while everything was fresh. Had a good think about the practical side of things, because I think its probably a good idea to step away from the campaign idea that I've had for a while.
There's still a potential to make something campaign based, and perhaps use it as research, but for now i want to concentrate on a vegetarian cook book. So healthy recipes that are screen printed into a beautiful book is the idea.
Info graphs are also a great idea, because it will educate and inform people on my subject, without being too pushy about it. These could be small and enclosed in the book?

Practically I want to achieve-

- Great screen prints
- Something that will educate
- Some lovely textures

At the moment I want my audience to be young adults, because they are able to make valid opinions and choices themselves, and because they are the people of the future.

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