Tuesday 11 October 2016

Methodologies and Critical Analysis

What is my methodology?
How can I improve it?
How can i evidence and document it?

Everything has a method, system or structure. 
Methodology is a structured way of organising a research project and gathering necessary information. 
Reflect on methods of research available and select the best. Then go on to explain why this method of research is the best for what you are trying to achieve. 
For example, a certain book by a certain author will be far more beneficial to my research than a questionnaire. (That kind of thing)
However I must be able to defend my approach/argument. 

Why will certain methodologies limit me? Can only gain so much information from a book, would gain more knowledge on a first hand basis..

Outline methodologies in the intro of dissertation and seriously defend it.
My dissertation should then have a coherent argument that runs throughout.

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