Sunday 9 October 2016

10 quotes that sum up what I'm trying to say...

1. Taken from Cowspiracy page 238
Talking about the benefits of growing vegetables without animal manure.

"Manure dissipates into the environment very quickly, it gets broken down. Whereas plants, and the fruits in the ground , will gradually decay and become carbon."

2. Cowspiracy page 241

"All the benefits that come from the vegetarian lifestyle, from the environmental to the health benefits, [will] build on each other to the point where this animal agriculture industry becomes part of history."

3. Cowspiracy (page 245)
Water consumption.

"The human population drinking 5.2 billion gallons of water every day and eats 21 billion pounds of food. But just the world's 1.5 billion cows alone drink 45 billion gallons of water every day and eat 135 billion pounds of food."

4. Cowspiracy (Page 244)

"We have roughly a billion people starving every single day. Worldwide, 50 percent of the grain and legumes that we're growing, we're feeding to animals."

5. The Mcdonalization of Society (Page 215)

" Alternatives to rationalised settings exist in businesses and other social institutions. For example, food co-ops specialising in vegetarian and health foods offer an alternative to the supermarket."

6. Fast Food Nation (page 195)
On the subject of food poising from meat

"The nations industrialised and centralised system of food processing has created a whole new sort of outbreak, one that can potentially sicken millions of people."

7. Fast Food Nation (page 207)
The standards in slaughterhouses a few years ago.

"At SIS-C slaughterhouses, visibly diseased animals- cattle infected with measles and tapeworms, covered with abscesses- were being slaughtered."

8. Fast Food Nation (page121)

"About 90 percent of the money that Americans spend on food is used to buy processed food."


"Organic foods are minimally processed without artificial ingredients or synthetic preservatives to maintain the integrity of the product that began with practices on the farm. For example, the use of GMOs is prohibited during the production and processing of certified organic products. A rigorous certification process, including periodic testing, is required. Also, irradiation is prohibited in organic processing."

Why processed foods are bad.

“...artificial flavor” is a proprietary blend. Manufacturers don’t have to disclose exactly what it means and it is usually a combination of chemicals.

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