Sunday 2 October 2016

Fresh the movie

Went down to Duke Studios on Friday to watch a movie called 'fresh' because I thought it would be really useful for dissertation research. Which it was. 
It was also a really great opportunity to network with other like minded thinkers on the subject of food and animal agriculture. 

Managed to chat to the organiser after the film and he has recently emailed me all of the short movies we watched prior to the film and a bunch of it will be really great to reference within my dissertation, or at least to build some practical work from. Leeds is really getting on the vegetarian band wagon at the moment, with the veg out events that are happening all over. I think I will be going to see another film thats being viewed at Duke studios in November, all about urban gardens which should also be useful. 

Trying to gather information in as many ways as possible at the moment, as I don't want it all to come from a book. The more people I meet the more I learn.

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