Thursday 27 October 2016

Cop practical workshop

This session was so good. Really good way to get you thinking, and I've arrived at a pretty solid idea fro it. I would like to produce a vegetarian cook book, thats screen printed (probably) and bound. I went to a book binding workshop the other day, just so that I know what I'm doing when it comes round.
I still want to do infographs and perhaps have these on the end pages of the book or something, so that it informs and educates as well. I would also like to propose a few other things, like grow your own start up packs for schools. I think its something that should be taught at an early age. Growing your own food is a really useful life skill.

The points that were made on my sheet are really useful observations and things that I will need to consider, like size, audience, whether it could be digital etc.

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