Wednesday 28 October 2015

Establishing a research question

Its pretty hard to think about a research question before Ive even researched what I want to research...if that makes any sense?

I came up with a few ideas.

Im trying to think about all of the subjects that encompass my topic, and then I'm trying to think about all of the things I want to know more about. 
So at the moment my topic is centred around deforestation, but I want to research into palm oil production, sustainable materials, whether designers/creatives take a sustainable approach to their work.
I want to look into the age of humans and what we are potentially doing to our own beautiful planet.
I saw something the other day thats really inspired me...
A mural created by 'Blu' on the streets of Italy. A dire evolutionary timeline. 
Definitely makes you think. 

Now i need to-
Start making some drawings. 
Do lots of research.

Im excited to get started, I'm actually excited to learn about all of this. 

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