Sunday 18 October 2015

Cop practical lesson

I found this weeks class really really useful. I went in with an extremely vague idea of what i might want to write and draw about, and came out feeling very confident and excited to get started. Something I distinctively remember from last year when reflecting on my year as a whole, was that I wanted to make a difference with my work, and its still something I feel strongly about, so hopefully this project I'm setting myself will be well suited to me.

Ive decided to start researching deforestation and the production of palm oil. But then perhaps on a deeper level look at mass production and whether we as artists use our products wisely. I think theres many ways I can take this, and I won't be short of things to research, I just need to narrow it down a little and really think about what I want to say.

Collecting items rather than just using the internet to get some information was also great, made me think differently. Its always good to approach a project from various angles, avoid missing something thats right infront of you. Like this conscious creatives leaflet I found. I had no idea this was a society in our college! 

Next steps:
1. Get involved with conscious creatives and find out more.
2. Start drawing, let it take me in the direction I need to take.
3. Research lots.

The items I collected in the hour we had. Also took some photos of trees.

(I am also aware that my topic doesn't really fit into the cultural category anymore, id say its more towards society and perhaps even political?!)

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