Wednesday 6 May 2015

Research into Visual Diagram


After a quick discussion with Richard about where to take my visual diagram, he advised me to look into phrenology posters. There seems to one for everything! As soon as I looked at a few i knew I wanted to create an illustrated version based on my subject. With this idea in mind, i just needed to come up with what would go in the visual diagram, without being biased or too opinionated. This was always going to be the real challenge.

Luke Ramsey

I looked at Luke Ramsey's piece on 'dystopia' to give myself a little more of an idea as to what would go in the brain. I love his work, and the detailed and complex approach he takes to his illustrations. However I want my diagram to be a clear communication of what autism is, therefore I will keep it slightly more simple than this. But studying his work has helped me understand how to create a visual diagram based on such a pressing matter.  

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