Wednesday 6 May 2015

Final drawing

Here is my final design! Finally. Needs some touching up on photoshop, and I'll be adding colour digitally too, but this is the one. 
The sections I didn't mention before include:
The music- symbolising creativity again. Often autistic people have something they are amazing at that they tend to find as a release or an escape. 
The bird in the cage- represents the communication difficulties, how they might feel trapped in their own emotions, as in Isabella Arsenaults work. 
The lightbulb is based on something I read from an autistic persons blog. The quote was 'Autism makes things shine for me'
And the other is the shapes- these symbolise the patterns and obsessions that are often found in an autistic persons life. They often get lost in one subject, and find it incredibly interesting/therapeutic. 

Now to add the colour and type and get it finished! 

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