Wednesday 6 May 2015

Problem solving.

These were my initial ideas (before petcha kutcha). During my feedback after the presentation however, it was clear that I needed to change my ideas somewhat. I was trying to shine a positive light on autism, the bird symbolising freedom, acceptance, in a society where perhaps autistic people are marginalised. 
I completely agreed with my feedback though, I needed to hold up a mirror to what autism is, rather than show my thought on the subject.

After discussing phrenology with Richard, I started to rough some new possible outcomes. I really struggled with what to put in the brain, because autism isn't just one thing with an answer, its a spectrum disorder. In some ways, I wish I'd written about something else, but I guess problem solving is all part of the course!

So far I've got the puzzle to represent the symbol for autism. Paint brushes and pencils to show creativity, physical equations, these are both to show the gifts an autistic person might have. The eye with a cross through it for difficulty with eye contact. Need to work on some more ideas.

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