Friday 19 August 2016

Centre for Alternative Technology

I had a day off work the other day, so myself and my mother went for a little trip to Machynllell, where the centre for alternative technology is. I thought it would be a really good chance for me to get some first hand research done. 

Im not sure quite what I was expecting, but was blown away with how amazing it all was, and came away with loads of information that will be useful to me in the months to come.
We went to a talk in the morning, a talk where we were the only two listening. It was all about how to achieve a zero carbon future. Incredibly interesting, even if it does seem incredibly impossible given the way we all live these days. It would mean drastic change. 

The part I was most interested in was the animal agriculture side, and the effects this is having on our climate today, and what would need to be done in order to reduce the damage this is having on our planet. 
The man giving the talk was really interested in what I was doing, and sent me the powerpoint that he had gone through and extra information, which was amazing.

This is the sort of stuff I wanted to know more about, and know I have it in funky graph form! Interested in creating some info graphs myself.

More info from the trip to come. 

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