Friday 12 August 2016

Summer research.

This summer has been hectic yet again, but I have been managing to get some research done on my days off. I just haven't got round to blogging much yet.
Ive been working 12 hour days generally, so finding time has been difficult, and I would have liked to have been far more productive on my days off than I have been. Im getting things done, just not at a pace that I would like.

To start my dissertation research, I started reading 'This Changes Everything' by Naomi Klein.
Even the introduction to this book was hard hitting, and a lot to take in. It amazes me whilst reading something like this, that there are so many people on this planet that think its complete bullshit, and for their ignorance, our planet will be unrecognisable very very soon. The people we love will be gone, the things we think we will be passing on to the future generations will not get to them. 
I found it really sad reading the introduction, as Klein talks about the things her 5 year old son may never see. " Rapid Climate Changes turn north woods into moose graveyard". The existence of living creatures is slowly diminishing, with rapid declines of various species left right and centre. 
And yet we seem to be oblivious. Or ignorant.

Ignorance is bliss is starting to be the most annoying thing for me to hear EVER. 

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