Saturday 9 January 2016


Triangulation is a number of theories or methodologies that combine.
Gathering different kinds of data on the same subject, using more sources to back up an argument.

1. A paragraph that shows the ability to triangulate between the 3 texts...

Designers take on meaningless jobs instead of trying to make a difference in the world. Giving in to consumerism. Becoming corporate sell outs. Culture and design can be about shaping a better future but right now thats not what its proving. Consumerism is sucking the soul from design and culture.

"Our culture is a corporate culture"
(Kalman, 1998, p.2)

"We think that there are other things more worth using our skill and experience on."
(Garland, 1964, p.2)

"Encouraged in this direction, designers then apply their skill and imagination to sell dog biscuits..."
(Adbusters, 2000, p.1)

Evaluating one of the texts-

The texts are all very similar, which makes triangulation a little easier to understand. Everything said in each relates in one way or another. Highlighting a deflating fact, that we change the way in which we make work in order to meet the clients needs. Where we could be making a difference we are designing packaging for dog biscuits and tooth paste. The tables should turn, creatives should take a stand and make work with more meaning and a greater social impact that highlights the greater good.

The essence of the design world has been lost in the realms of consumerism. We've lost all imagination when working for large corporate companies. As Kalman states:
"Creative people are now working for the bottom line."
Being a creative should mean you have the ability to shape the future, but instead we are taking corporate jobs from those that are shaping it for us. Pushed to the back, when we should be the ones paving the way for the younger creative generations.

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