Friday 15 January 2016

Anna Garforth

Ive included Anna Garforth in my essay because I love the way that she creates these beautiful thought provoking pieces of art. The materials she uses range from moss to cookie dough and it seems as though she works with a really positive attitude towards the environment.

I wanted to know if this was her main aim when creating work or not, so I contacted her on tumblr. She hasn't replied yet, maybe she never will but I tried! 

If we were all to use sustainable materials in our work a little more, the percentages of waste would surely drop. I know we recycle and thats fantastic, but we can do more. We need to. I need to start considering materials for my book. At the moment I'm thinking of either making sculptures or taking photos with a 35mm film camera and working with these. It needs to raise awareness, or speak some truth at least.
Endangered animals is what I'm thinking at the moment. Its all linked.

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