Friday 1 January 2016

Brandalism and my thoughts.

I found out about brandalism on colossal and thought it was a really fantastic idea, with a really thought provoking message behind it.
Brandalism is a revolt against corporate control of the visual realm. They've done quite a few projects, but the one I was looking into was the Paris Climate talks, where 600 posters were installed by a network of 70 people all over Paris. It was aimed at air lines and car manufacturers who claim to be on board with the climate talks and sponsor the whole thing, when in reality they are part of the huge problem. 
The more I read, and the more I learn, it seems that everything is linked. 
At the moment, Im tracking everything back to huge corporate companies. They are the reason global emissions have risen by 63% in the last 20 years, the reason deforestation is is happening and species are becoming extinct. We buy into this. WHY?! 

We buy into all of this but then we just waste it. So its almost all for nothing.
How these statistics are real is beyond me. We are all part of the problem. 

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