Monday 19 September 2016

Lush fighting Animal Testing

In 2012 lush launched this global campaign to get people to sign a petition against animal testing.

Im not necessarily going down the animal testing route, however for my practical work, I like the idea of a campaign. Something thats hard hitting and challenges public apathy.
I could base it around the cruelty toward farm animals. something that would perhaps make people consider eating meat a bit more, make people stop all together or maybe reduce their intake. It doesn't necessarily have to have the influence of global warming running throughout, as my essay will hold all of that information, but this could be the synthesis that I need.

Window display Regent st London

Tyson foods, Animal cruelty.

Tyson foods are responsible for supplying some of the biggest fast food restaurants in the world. (mcdonalds,kfc They are a huge meat business in the u.s, and slaughter roughly 6,078,000 animals a day. Thats over 42.5 million a week. 

Screenshots from their website-

Merely ongoing efforts to REDUCE the use of human antibiotics on farms. And what constitutes as small amounts of hormones? Being such a massive corporation, are they just telling us what we want to hear, or skirting around the truth?
I recently read an article that was quite worrying. Humans are now almost completely resistant to certain antibiotics. 80% of all antibiotics in the US are fed to farm animals, not humans.
These constant low doses of bacteria like e.coli, evolve and become resistant to the same antibiotics we expect to treat humans with.
On another website, I found this information below, and watched some very distressing footage that was filmed undercover on a tyson Chicken farm. The cruelty is unbelievable. So very disturbing.
The chickens can barely walk...

Sunday 11 September 2016

Guardian article

Really good article to use within my dissertation. Full of facts and figures and broken down so that its easy to understand.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Centre for alternative technology- First hand research

Visiting this place had such an impact on the way I think about the environment. There are so many things that contribute to environmental damage, and taking steps to improve these things individually is where its at I think. The place is so interesting, and really inspired me to get going with this module.

The first hand research was really useful, because I was able to network with like minded, knowledgable people, and also understand how certain methods of alternative technology can be used. This is merely a section of my dissertation, however, the book shop provided me with some perfect books that i wouldn't have found anywhere else. 

One methodology led me onto another from physically going out and doing something.