Friday 18 March 2016

Artist research- Gregory Euclide

Been trying to look at some artists that use mixed media and who really explore methods within their practice. Euclide does some crazy work. I found out about him years ago because he did the album art for one of Bon Ivers albums, but at the time i didn't realise he did stuff like this too.

His images are crafted. Made into 3D worlds. I know we have to make a 2D book, but I really want to create something physical and 3D, and perhaps photograph them into the book.
The level of craft in these images is beyond what I am capable of, and not really the aesthetic I want to achieve, but merging 2D and 3D is something I want to explore.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Notes after feedback session

The feedback session with Richard was really useful and left me feeling confident about my essay. Apparently with a few revisions my essay could go from good to great, which I didn't expect to hear at all!

What needs to be done in order to improve-

- Add 3 or 4 other quotes  and link these quotes to the first section in order to back up my ideas.

- Work on the conclusion a little more. Address and Answer the question directly.

- Edit the intro, state the aims of the essay.