Saturday 14 November 2015

Study task 3

I always find it difficult to have tasks like this so early on when I have no idea what Im doing. But this one was actually quite useful because myself and Charlotte stayed behind and talked out a load of ideas with Pete. I don't have a solid idea as of yet, but I now have a few more topics to explore.

Suggested research question-

Something to do with deforestation-
Deforestation and the effects on the creative industry?
How does deforestation impact the creative industry? (this could be difficult)
Do we as creatives take a sustainable approach in our work?

Academic sources-

Still not sure, I will have to take a trip to the library asap.

Images to analyse?

Ive been collecting lots, I just need to narrow them down once I have a clearer direction. Heres a few I've collected though...

Could look at images that have been created with recycled materials, or ideas that push the idea of a greener future.

I didn't do an essay map while I was in class because I didn't have any solid ideas. But my four main points moving forwards would be-

- Deforestation, the effect this is having on the world and what is being done about it.

- Climate change and why this is happening and how this is linked to deforestation.

- The importance of sustainability, looking at this from a creatives point of view, whether is it possible to be a sustainable practitioner, advantages and disadvantages.

- Whether creatives are using their visual skills in order to bring these issues to the publics attention or not.

To move forward I need to start doing ALOT of research.

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